Lesson-1: Types of plants class-2

Types of plants: Trees, Herbs, shrubs, climbers, creepers are types of plants.

Lesson-1: Types of plants class-2
Types of plants 

1. Trees:

Trees are big plants. They live for many years. A tree has a large, hard and strong stem. The stem of a tree is covered with bark. The bark protects the stem. The stem of a tree is called the trunk.

Many of the fruits we eat grow on trees. For example, oranges, coconuts, mangoes and apples grow on trees. We get wood from the trees. Rubber and gum are also obtained from trees.

Science Lesson- class-2

1. Types of plants 

2. Uses of plants 

3. Uses of Animals 

2. Herbs:

A herb is a small plant. It has a soft, green stem. 

Herbs live for a few months. Many kinds of vegetables grow on herbs. Tomato and chilli plants are herbs. Some herbs have beautiful flowers.

3. Shrubs:

A shrub is bigger than a herb and smaller than a tree. A shrub has many stems. The stems are hard and woody. It is a bushy plant. A shrub lives for many years. 

Plants such as rose and tea are shrubs. We get many kinds of fruits and flowers from shrubs.

4. Climbers:

Some plants need support to grow. They grow by climbing on poles, walls or other plants. Such plants are called climbers. Pepper and grape plants are climbers. These plants live for many years. Some climbers live for a few months. 

5. Creepers:

Some plants have a weak stem and grow along the ground. Such plants are called creepers

A creeper lives for a few months. Many kinds of fruits and vegetables grow on creepers. Watermelon and pumpkin plants are creepers.

Parts of a plant

Lesson-1: Types of plants class-2,  parts of plant
Parts of a plant 


Tick (✔️) the correct answer.

1. Which part of the plant carries water to its different 

 a) Stem b) Root c)Leaf

... Answer - stem

2. Which part of the plant grows below the soil?

 a) Stem b) Root c) Leaf

... Answer - root

3. Which part of the plant makes food? 

 a) Flower b) Root c) Leaf

... Answer - leaf

4. What protects the stem of a tree?

 a) Branch b) Bark c) Root

... Answer - Bark

5. Which of these is a bushy plant? 

 a) Shrub b)Tree c)Herb

... Answer - shrub

Match the following


a. supports the plant


b. grow below the soil


c.baby plant inside it 


d.kitchen of the plant


e.protects the stem of a tree


d.protects the stem of a tree

7.banana plant



... 1.b, 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.f 6.e 7.g

1. The ________ protects the stem of a tree.

... Answer - bark

2. The stem of a tree is called the ________.

... Answer - trunk

3. Some herbs give ________ flowers.

... Answer - beautiful

4. A ________ is a herb.

... Answer - banana plant

5. ________ and ________ are also obtained from trees.

... Answer - rubber, gum

Answer the following.

1. What is a tree? Give 2 examples.

... Answer - A tree is a big plant with a large, hard and strong stem. Eg- Mango tree and coconut tree.

2. What is a herb? Give 2 examples.

... Answer - A herb is a small plant with a soft and green stem. Eg – Tomato plant and chilli plant.

3. What is a shrub? Give 2 examples.

... Answer -A shrub is a bushy plant with a hard and woody stem. Eg – Rose plant and tea plant.

4. What is a creeper? Give 2 examples.

... Answer - A creeper is a plant with a weak stem that grows along the ground. Eg – Watermelon and pumpkin.

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